Hope & Redemption Ranch
   Helping men to overcome the chains of
   addiction so they can make a difference
   in their families, churches and communities

The Need
There is a plethora of data that has been accumulated over the years that show the detrimental effects of addictions along with the numbers of lives it has affected.  The lives that have been lost, the families that have been torn apart, and the economic burden on states and local communities show that more is needed to be done than simply incarcerating the offender.  We need to focus on the restoration of not only those battling their addictions but also the family unit and communities that have been affected with the purpose of breaking the chains and prevent the next generation from making the same mistakes.

(Data in the following graphs have been taken from reports compiled by the University of New Mexico GPS Traffic Research Unit for the years 2010 - 2019)
The Plan
    The Navajo BIC Overcomers has been around since 1997 and in keeping true to our overall mission we are always looking for ways to improve the program with the goal of helping more men and increase their odds of success in life.  We have come to realize that 90 days, even though we have been successful, is not long enough so we have set ourselves on the path of expanding the program to a full year.

1.  Restoration of men

         The NBICO will house up to 20 men per year who are struggling with alcohol and drug addictions.  The structure of the program will be set up to deal with not just the physical aspects of their addictions but also the mental, emotional, and spiritual sides as well to aid in healing the whole person.  They will be involved in the workings of the ranch thru work crews in an effort of instilling a good work ethic as well as personal responsibility.  We will also work with the families to help restore the broken relationships that are the result of an addictive lifestyle. The end goal is to show the men there is a better path and to give them hope of a brighter future.

2.  Restoration of the land

         At NBICO, when it comes to the land, we will strive to live out the example of good stewardship.  Our goal is to become as self-sufficient as possible raising our own produce and livestock as well as the operation of a solar farm to provide the needs of the program.  A local farm store will also be operated to offer surplus goods and crafts, made by the men, for sale to the community supplying a residual income for the program.

3.  Increase Local involvement

       Addiction is not just an individual problem it also affects the community at large.  The NBICO will increase its visibility with the purpose of greater community involvement.  We will build a network of churches and chapter houses increasing the support for our graduates.  A list of businesses, willing to work with us, will be compiled so as to provide possible sponsorship and jobs for our men.  The problem with addictions is bigger  than any one of us alone and it will take a community to battle it.

Program synopsis
Our program is predicated on a relational dynamic.  Our philosophy is that the path to walking a sober life is thru strong healthy relationships.  Addiction is a coping mechanism and by dealing with the underlying issues we give each man who walks thru our doors the best opportunity to live a clean and sober life. We look to accomplish this thru 1-on-1 counseling, accountability groups, family counseling, work crews, and leadership training.  As we move forward with the Hope & Redemption Ranch we look to increase the opportunities to improve on all aspects of our program and show the men the path to long term sobriety comes from a lifestyle change.

       Admittance process
1.  Application required
            2.  Interview--must agree to interview upon receipt of application.
            3.  Court approved release must be obtained

       Program overview
Hope & Redemption Ranch will take on a holistic approach when helping those that come thru the program.

            Mental--class time will be a part of the daily regimen
                    Financial responsibility
                    Life skills
                    GED/College prep--for those interested
                    Job interview/resume instruction

                    1-on-1 counseling sessions
                    Accountability group meetings
                            Celebrate recovery
                            Convicted By Christ men's group
                            AA meetings
                            Man church--men's group

            Physical--clients will be involved in the day to day workings of the ranch thru daily chores and work crews to help
                              instill good work ethics and personal responsibility to prepare them for the working environment.

                    Weekly Bible studies
                    Church services
                    Encounter sessions

Vocational training
    We look to instill good work ethics and teach the men skills that can lead to not only potential employment but can also be taken back and incorporated into their family’s residences to provide for their needs.

·         Agriculture—Growing vegetables, herbs, & some fruits in a greenhouse setting by utilizing an aquaponics system that is self-contained.

·         Solar—The set-up & maintenance of a small scale solar panel system that not only provides necessary power needs for their family but then could become a possible instillation business opportunity.

·         Livestock—The raising and processing of beef, sheep, swine, chickens, & goats for personal consumption and to sell.

·         Food Handling—Opportunity for those who enjoy cooking to improve their skills and increase experience if they desire to enter the food service career.

·         Auto & Facility Maintenance—Can lead to the possibility of becoming a licensed mechanic or employment in building maintenance.

·         Farm Store Management—We look to have a local farm store that we then can offer any excess goods to the community and also teach the men interested in the ins and outs of business management.

·         Continued Education—We will work with those who seek to acquire their GED or desire to go to college.

·         Leadership Development—For those who have exhibited leadership qualities and expressed a desire to mentor others we give them more responsibilities and the opportunity to become more involved in the over-all operations of the ranch.

Advancement opportunities

              Crew leaders/facilitators
               For those men who have, during their program, exhibited leadership qualities and expressed a desire to help
              we offer them the opportunity to grow into a leadership position taking on the responsibility of leading one
              of the many crews or facilitating one of the accountability groups.

               For those committed to pursuing a counseling career we will work with them to enroll in college and acquire
               the necessary grants.  They can continue to work with us on the ranch and upon completion of their schooling
              and receiving their LADAC license they will be given the opportunity to join our counseling staff with Board

            Future Director
            The ultimate goal of this vision is to eventually turn over the operation of the program and facility to Native
            leadership.  At this stage the individual would have exhibited exemplary attitude and leadership traits and
            would need to be approved by the Board of Directors.


We are a non-profit  90 day residential alcohol & drug rehab program dedicated to walking beside men whose lives have been torn apart by addiction and helping them as God restores them to wholeness

Become a
"Friend of the
for only $10
a month



BIC Overcomers

4 Road 3185

Aztec,  NM  87410


Office:  505-716-8070
Fax:   1-855-710-8028


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